

PYROSELF - Snow sensor controller


A user friendly and efficient electronic controller for Ice and snow melting applications

  • PYROCON12 - Stand alone controller with connection to Aerial, Upper limit and 3rd party sensors.
  • PYROCON19 - Smart controller with full connectivity to SMART-HOME/BMS (BACnet/MODBUS), Connections to Ground, Gutter, Aerial, Upper limit and 3rd party sensors.

PYROSELF - Snow sensor controller


The ultimate "All in One" Snow Sensor and controller for Light commercial and residential use.

  • PYROSELF - Snow sensor and controller
  • PYROSELF-X - Snow sensor and controller set with indoor remote controoled wall mounted panel and adjustable mounting bracket.
  • PYROSELF-WIFI - Snow sensor and controller with optional connection to WiFi interface module.
  • IRP-PYRO - I/R Reciver Panel for PYROSELF
  • RT_PYRO - Optional Remote control for PYROSELF

PYROCON12 Snow Melting Controller


An efficient controller for Ice and Snow melt applications. Control up to 5 electrical heating elements & capable of Customized zone sequencing.

  • Automatic control device of the PYRO snow / ice melting and frost protection
  • 24V operated with a large backlit LCD display and an active zones indication
  • Multiple snow sensors input & zones sequencing output – Optional
  • Technician testing / commissioning mode for a year round, quick & easy system test

For more details
PYROCON12 Snow Melting Controller


An efficient controller for Ice and Snow melt applications. Control up to 5 electrical heating elements & capable of Customized zone sequencing.

  • Automatic control device of the PYRO snow / ice melting and frost protection
  • 24V operated with a large backlit LCD display and an active zones indication
  • Multiple snow sensors input & zones sequencing output – Optional
  • Technician testing / commissioning mode for a year round, quick & easy system test
  • Integration to B.M.S. by BACNET or MODBUS over RS485 communication line or via Wi-Fi using the PYRO-WiFi adaptor.

For more details
PYROSELF - Snow sensor controller

PYROSELF – Snow sensor controller

PYROSELF is the ultimate “All in One” Snow Sensor & controller for Light commercial and residential ice & snow melting applications

  • Up to 2 activation zones (24A each 110-240VAC)
  • Unique “Igloo” shape with anti-birds spikes
  • User friendly programming with a large LCD display & remote control
  • Optional zones sequencing – Enable larger snow melting area with reduced power available
  • Technician testing / commissioning mode enable all year long testing

For more details
PYROSELF - Snow sensor controller

PYROSELF24 – Snow sensor controller

PYROSELF is the ultimate “All in One” Snow Sensor & controller for Light commercial and residential ice & snow melting applications

  • Up to 2 activation zones (3A each 110-20VAC)
  • Unique “Igloo” shape with anti-birds spikes
  • User friendly programming with a large LCD display & remote control
  • Optional zones sequencing – Enable larger snow melting area with reduced power available
  • Technician testing / commissioning mode enable all year long testing

For more details