PYROSENSE19 – Outdoor Snow Sensor

A stylish smart, reliable Snow and Ice sensor detect snow, measure temperature and send the information via a PYROCON19 controller to a heating system.
The PYROSENSE is connected to the Snow Melting Controller (PYROCON19) with a 30 feet (10 m.), 24V 4 wires cable and communicate with the controller, providing the temperature value and the snow detection based on the adjustable parameters.
Features & Benefits
- Electronic Snow and Ice sensor
- 24VAC operated
- 4 wires installation – 30 ft. cable supplied with the sensor
- Up to 4 PYROSENSE19 sensors + 2 Ground sensors + 2 Gutter sensors can be chained into one PYROCON19 controller
- Unique “igloo” shape design – prevent snow accumulation on the sensor
- Anti-bird nesting spikes
- Plastic cap for summer time – protect from dust and dirt
- Simple user interface for parameters set via PYROCON19 controller
- Adjustable RH sensitivity from PYROCON19 controller
- Adjustable set-point
- Technician testing / commissioning mode for easy and fast system test all year long (even during summer or at high temp)
- Energy Efficient algorithm